human rights watch

lördag 14 april 2018

3 victims’ families appealed international community to stop Turkish crimes

3 victims’ families appealed international community to stop Turkish crimes
After the two missing men’s corpses who were killed by the Turkish occupation army were found on the border between Girê Sipî and Bakur Kurdistan, the victims were identified as their families appealed to the international community to stop the crimes of the Turkish occupation against the Syrian people.

On Friday, the Turkish occupation army killed 2 young men while torturing and severely smearing the other while they were trying to cross the border to work in Turkey. The three victims were identified on Saturday. They were Zayed Abdullah al-Mugheileth who was born in 1999, and Hamid al-Shukhair al-Suhailan who was born in 1996 whose corpses were found by the People and Women Protection Units (YPG,YPJ) on Saturday near Abu Sawn village located 10 km west of Serê Kanîyê city.
The units took their corpses to Roj Hospital in Serê Kanîyê, and the torture effects were clear on both corpses. While the units transferred on Friday the young men Abdul Karim al-Farhan al-Kuleif’s corpse who was born in 2000 from al-Artewaziya village 70 km east of Girê Sipî canton to Serê Kanîyê hospital, and he was subjected to brutal torture and his body was completely distorted. Moreover, he is still receiving the medical treatment at the hospital.
In the midst of the crime, the families of the victims stressed that what Turkey is doing against the Syrian people do not relate to humanity and all heavenly religions, and they appealed to the United Nations (UN) and the international community to stop the crimes of Turkey against the Syrian people and punish whoever participate in these crimes.
It is worth mentioning that the Turkish occupation army targets all those who approach the border between Rojava and Bakur Kurdistan (North Kurdistan) with live ammunition. If they would be arrested, the soldiers of the Turkish occupation army would torture them. Furthermore, dozens of people of Rojava lost their lives under torture.

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