human rights watch

måndag 30 juni 2014

We thank you very much Israeli leaders because they support the Kurdish people. We thank the Israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and Mr. Shimon Peres, allowing them to support Kurdish independence. Kurdish people and the Israeli people have the same story, I think it is normal that those two people with the same story cooperate together and have an alliance in the Middle East against the enemy because the Israeli people and the Kurdish people have the same enemy. with regards samuel kermashani

We thank you very much Israeli leaders because they support the Kurdish people. We thank the Israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and Mr. Shimon Peres, allowing them to support Kurdish independence. Kurdish people and the Israeli people have the same story, I think it is normal that those two people with the same story cooperate together and have an alliance in the Middle East against the enemy because the Israeli people and the Kurdish people have the same enemy. with regards samuel kermashani

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